Basic Medical Terminology Course
Using Basic Medical Language and the companion online site, you will gain in-depth knowledge of medical terminology.
What Will I Learn?
You will learn to:

identify the origins of medical language and the four word parts that make up most medical terms: word roots, prefixes, suffixes, and combining vowel.

use word parts to build, translate, and spell medical terms.

define, pronounce, and spell medical terms of the integumentary, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine systems and the eye and ear.

define, pronounce, and spell body structure, oncology, directional, positions, color, and imaging medical terms.

identify abbreviations and plural endings.

identify medical terms as signs and symptoms, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures, and medical specialties.

read and write medical terms in clinical statements, case studies and medical records.
TEXTBOOK Extra: To assist with choosing a career in health care, a health professions section is included with each lesson along with tips on where you can gather more information about specific fields.
How Will I Learn?
You will learn by working your way through the 12 Lessons in the worktext Basic Medical Language.
Step 1
You will read lesson content introduced in manageable amounts followed by completion of worktext and online interactive activities.
Step 2
You can check your answers by using the worktext answer key; immediate feedback is provided for all online activities.
Step 3
Flashcards, paper and online, can be used to learn body system word parts, prefixes and suffixes presented in each lesson.
Step 4
You can use an interactive online audio program to learn pronunciation and spelling.
Step 5
An exam is available for each lesson on the course site. A passing grade of 80% is required for a passing grade and certificate of completion.
Author support is available for three months from the date of sign up to assist you as needed.
Basic Medical Terminology Course
Receive the textbook, Basic Medical Language, flashcards, and companion online site with your enrollment fee.