Features, vii
How Will I Learn?, xiv
Dear Instructor, xv
Online Teaching Resources, xv
Introduction to Medical Language, Body Structure, and Oncology, 1
Directional Terms, Positions, and Imaging, 29
Integumentary System, Colors, and Plural Endings, 51
Respiratory System, 80
Urinary System, 117
Reproductive Systems, 148
Cardiovascular and Lymphatic Systems, 182
Digestive System, 218
Eye and Ear, 257
Musculoskeletal System, 287
Nervous System and Behavioral Health, 329
Endocrine System, 363
Word Parts Used in Basic Medical Language, 384
Abbreviations, 389; Error-Prone List, 395
Answers to Exercises, 399
Illustration Credits, 419
Index, 421
Evolve Resources at evolve.elsevier.com
Pharmacology Terms
Health Information Technology Terms