Copy of Topic 6:6 Recall and Assess Knowledge

Objective 6: Recall and assess knowledge of word parts, medical terms, and abbreviations. (Textbook p. 179) This is an excellent opportunity for you to review and evaluate what you have learned in Lesson 6. Also, completing the review exercises is excellent...

Copy of Topic 6:5 Use Medical Language

Objective 5: Use medical language in clinical statements, the case study, and a medical record. (Textbook p.176) Now that you are familiar with terms related to the reproductive systems you get to use and see them as you would in a healthcare setting, including on an...

Copy of Topic 6:4 Review and Practice

Objective 4: Identify medical terms by clinical category. (Textbook p. 172) The term clinical in health care means having to do with the examination and treatment of patients. Practice grouping terms you have learned in the lesson into the medical categories of: signs...

Copy of Topic 6:3 Abbreviations

Objective 3: Write abbreviations. (Textbook p. 171) Medical abbreviations abound in healthcare. It is important to know, use, and interpret medical abbreviations correctly. Textbook Activity Read the content and complete the exercises. (pp. 171,172) Check your answers...

Copy of Topic 6:2 Terms NOT Built from Word Parts

Objective 2: Define, pronounced, and spell medical terms NOT built from word parts. (Textbook p.166) The terms you will learn for this topic are NOT built from words parts but are terms from modern language and other origins. They may contain word parts; however, they...