Basic Medical Language Textbook Self-Study Guide

Do you want to learn medical terminology on your own for little cost?

If you answer ‘yes’, the authors are now offering Basic Medical Language Self-Study Guide to learn medical terminology on your own.

This is how it works:

  • Purchase the textbook, which includes access to an online resource program.
  • Complete the 12 textbook lessons with many varied interactive exercises in each.
  • Reinforce your learning with the online resource program.
  • Take the end-of-lesson quiz to measure your progress.
  • Go to the next Lesson!

Click to go directly to the Basic Medical Language Self-Study Guide or read on for more information.

Medical Terminology Textbook and Self-Study Guide

Basic Medical Language, 7th Edition


Basic Medical Language 7th Edition

Danielle LaFleur Brooks, Med MA Dale Levinsky, MD,

Myrna LaFleur Brooks, RN BEd

For over 25 years, the textbook Basic Medical Language has been used in the classroom to teach medical terminology.

It is designed for fun, quick, and lasting acquisition of medical language.

The textbook includes:

  • Many varied and interactive exercises – choose which fits your learning style
  • Electronic and paper flashcards
  • Online games, quizzes, videos, spelling, and pronunciation
  • A fun quiz at the end of each lesson – you can repeat them as often as you like.

Interactive Exercises

Medical Terminology Online Course - Interactive Exercises

Paper Flashcards

Medical Terminology Online Course

Online Study Tools

Medical Terminology Online Course

If you are planning to enter the healthcare field or are employed in a business where it is valuable to know medical language or want to understand what your healthcare provider is saying, this self-study learning program may be for you.

The Authors

Innovative Leaders in Medical Terminology for Over 40 Years

Myrna and Danielle have been involved with teaching medical terminology since 1970. They researched and wrote the original classic textbook on medical terminology, Exploring Medical Language (11th edition), followed up with the popular Basic Medical Language (7th edition) textbook.

Their combined educational backgrounds and teaching experience have led to the carefully crafted learning system used in both textbooks.

Throughout the years, Myrna and Danielle continued to add features and benefits to teaching medical terminology. Content now includes a medical terminology blog and this new website, The Medical Terminology Academy.

All teaching items are designed with the student foremost in mind.

Millions of students have enjoyed these textbooks and the medical terminology blog, and we look forward to expanding the understanding and use of medical language with the Medical Terminology Academy.

Historical Note: The authors were the first to separate and list medical terms into two groups (terms built from word parts and not built from word parts) and write special exercises for each in their original Exploring Medical Language textbook (1986). Before this, textbooks routinely required much more rote memorization.

Discover the fascinating world of medical language and begin adding medical terms to your vocabulary.

Still have questions? Click here.


Another Popular Textbook

by the authors

Exploring Medical Language

Published by Elsevier/Mosby. It has been used in colleges, universities, high schools, and by individuals since 1985.

Ideal for 2 or 3-credit courses.