Lesson 1: Introduction to Medical Language, Body Structure, Oncology, and Laboratory Tests (Textbook, p. 1)

Discover the fascinating world of medical language and begin adding medical terms to your vocabulary.

The cell is the basic unit of all life.

In This Lesson

Lesson 1 is especially important because it is here you will be introduced to the basics of learning medical terminology, which is:

  • origins of medical language
  • four word parts that make up most medical terms
  • two categories of medical terms and the learning methods for each

The content you will work with in Lesson 1 is:

  • structure of the human body (cells are the basic building block of all body structures)
  • oncology (cancer develops from excessive growth of body cells)
  • laboratory tests

Fun Fact

Pneumon/o/ultra/micr/o/scopic/silic/o/volcan/o/coni/osis is the longest word in the dictionary. 

Twelve-word parts make up this amazing medical term: a lung disease contracted from inhaling exceedingly small silica particles, specifically from a volcano.