You begin this topic by learning the structure of the human body, oncology, and its word parts. Next, you will use the word parts to translate and build the terms related to body structure and oncology. Terms built from word parts can be easily translated to find their meaning. My/oma is an example of a term built from word parts made up of ‘my, meaning muscle, and ‘oma,’ meaning tumor. Myoma is a tumor composed of muscle tissue.
Read the content and complete the exercises. (pp. 6-18)
Use paper or online flashcards to assist with learning word parts.
Check your answers using the Answer Key, Appendix C, at the back of your textbook.
FYI, The online practice site is optional – you can complete the coursework by completing the exercises in the textbook only.
However, if you want extra practice, such as hearing and spelling the terms, follow the instructions below.
FYI, This is your first opportunity to use your textbook’s online site. You must be signed into the Textbook Online Practice Website to use it.
If you are not signed in, go to the course home page by clicking on the green bar in the upper left column, then click on Sign Uo for Your Online Practice Website.
In the beginning, switching between the Academy website and the online textbook site can be challenging. However, by Lesson 2, it becomes easier to navigate.
Turn to p. 18 of your textbook and follow the instructions for Exercise D, Practice Online, to practice pronunciation and spelling of the terms you have just learned.
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