The terms you will learn in this topic are NOT built from word parts but are terms from modern language and other origins. They may contain word parts but are difficult to translate to learn their meaning.
For example, one could say biopsy is made up of two word parts bi (life) and -ops (view); however, its meaning cannot be determined by a literal translation. Knowing the meaning of the word parts, life, and view can help memorize the terms, which is the prime method for learning terms NOT built from word parts.
Read the content and complete the exercises. (pp. 18-23)
Check your answers using the Answer Key, Appendix C, at the back of your textbook.
Turn to p. 23 of your textbook and follow the instructions for Exercise H, Practice Online, to practice pronunciation and spelling of the terms you have just learned.
Select Resources > Animations Part 1 > arrow upper right of the screen.
Select Resources > Career Videos > arrow upper right of the screen.