Your introduction to the reproductive systems includes a case study where Cindy and Rajive want to have a baby. They both have concerns about why they have not gotten pregnant after a year of trying. Later in the lesson, we return to the case study, where you will identify medical terms used to document their experiences.
Read the case study, objectives, and introduction to the respiratory system. (pp. 159-161)
You will learn word parts related to the reproductive systems and terms built from them. Perhaps some terms you already know, such as mammogram, but how does it differ from mammography or mammoplasty?
Read the content and complete the Exercises. (pp. 162-177)
Use paper or online flashcards to assist in learning word parts.
Check your answers using the Answer Key, Appendix C, at the back of your textbook.
Turn to p. 172 and 176 of your textbook and follow the instructions for Exercise B, for Exercise D, Practice Online, to practice pronunciation and spelling of the terms you have just learned.
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